This publication in Instagram story which says a lot about what she thinks of the current conflict…

In recent days, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has been gaining momentum. On the night of February 23-24, 2022, Vladimir Putin deployed his armed forces on Ukrainian territory with the aim of taking control. Since then, many world leaders have rallied against the actions of the President of the Russian Federation and called for a ceasefire. Emmanuel Macron wants to be firm against his Russian counterpart, in the same way as NATO. ” France strongly condemns Russia’s decision to wage war on Ukraine. Russia must end its military operations immediately “, declared the French head of state on his Twitter account on February 24.

Transparent on the progress of this war, Emmanuel Macron wanted to speak again this Wednesday, March 2. If he wants to be reassuring, he is not without reminding us that ” the days to come will probably be harder and harder “. ” We took quick and proportionate sanctions against Russia and its leaders. The assets of several hundred Russian personalities close to power have thus been frozen in France, several large Russian banks have been excluded from international systems, making a number of transactions impossible, leading to the fall of the rouble. Russian propaganda outlets just stopped broadcasting in Europe on the ground “, did he declare.

Since the start of his five-year term, Emmanuel Macron has faced countless crises that have forced him to assume his position. Before this conflict, the pandemic was at the heart of the news in France and around the world. A situation that the singer Alizée deplores. On social networks, the latter is worried about the fate of the younger generations. The interpreter of the title “Me, Lolita” already imagines what the next school books will transcribe. ” The kids in 2050 in their history lessons who have to study the chapter on the years 2019 – 2022… “, to publish the wife of Grégoire Lyonnet. A post that says a lot…

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