“This protest spilled over into social and economic and even societal issues”, according to a deputy

The crisis that has shaken Guadeloupe for a week is a dispute part of the vaccination obligation for caregivers and the health pass but it “spilled over into social and economic and even societal issues”, analyzed Monday, November 22 on franceinfo Olivier Serva, deputy La République en Marche (LREM) of Guadeloupe, after the announcements of Jean Castex for the Caribbean island.

Olivier Serva was part, as a local elected, of the participants in the meeting organized Monday evening with the Minister of Overseas, the Minister of the Interior and that of Health. “NOTe would like to see these two questions decoupled “, explained the deputy, depending on who the priority is “the question of urgency, which gave rise to the blockages”.

franceinfo: How was this meeting with the Prime Minister and the Minister for Overseas?

Olivier Serva: We spent two hours with the Prime Minister, three hours in total with the Ministry of Overseas. As elected Guadeloupeans – parliamentarians, president of region and department, president of the association of mayors – we declined a unanimous decision. For us, this dispute arose from a problem of vaccination obligation for caregivers and health pass but it spilled over into social and economic, even societal questions. We have indicated that we would like to see these two questions decoupled in order to deal with the urgent, concrete question which gave rise to the blockages: the question of compulsory vaccination for caregivers.

Do you have any insight into the answers given during this meeting?

For firefighters, there will be a mediation mission. We ask that all firefighters can continue their public service mission.

“For those who are not vaccinated, we advocated that they can take a free PCR test every 72 hours so that they can carry out their activities.”

Olivier Serva, LREM deputy from Guadeloupe

to franceinfo

The employing department and the region had expressed their wish to cover the reimbursement of these tests. For nursing staff, the percentage of people vaccinated is very high, beyond 90% or 95%. There are 200 people who are affected by suspensions for pay at the end of November. We need to be able to provide an answer to these people. There are 1,000 others who are not vaccinated and who could be affected. Elected officials do not want there to be any degressivities in remuneration. For these there will be instances, mediations by category: doctors, nurses, nursing assistants … These mediators must be people who are in contact with the situation in order to find individualized solutions.

Some caregivers do not want to be vaccinated with the messenger RNA vaccine. What solutions can be provided to them?

The Prime Minister has indicated that he agrees to consider whether those who do not want an RNA vaccine can take a dose of AstraZeneca or Janssen. With a first dose, they will thus be able to enter the beginning of the vaccination schedule which would allow them to no longer be suspended. It is a step forward. There are still people who have decided that, anyway, they will not take a vaccine. They are considering reclassification in connection with the Regional Council to find them another form of professional activity. Very clear answers are given.

Regarding the social and societal aspect, what has been decided?

On the picket lines, there are about thirty union organizations which have a list of demands and certain points deserve to be clarified. The state will have to take its responsibility to be able to meet the unions. There is also a Guadeloupean youth who are suffering. She is over 50% unemployed. We decided, as local elected officials, to meet them in order to provide them with answers as quickly as possible.

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