this problem of blindness which shakes Vitaa’s sidekick to the highest degree

It was an interview eagerly awaited by Slimane fans. This Saturday, May 28, 2022, the singer was honored in 50′ inside on TF1. Faced with Nikos Aliagas, the artist spoke of his recent paternity. On a daily basis, his little Esmeralda fulfills him on all levels. On the Web, he likes to immortalize it (while hiding his face) to the delight of his subscribers. In the process, the famous presenter wanted to know about his new solo album. A title called “In the dark” had the merit of attracting his attention…

Obviously, this piece was a tribute to Slimane’s mother. Very moved, Vitaa’s sidekick agreed to explain himself on this subject. “I’m going to try not to cry, this is the first time I’ve spoken about it”, he revealed, specifying that his parent was “going blind”.“My mother, she has had a disease for a very long time and her diabetes has attacked her eyes”.

“It’s okay, I know what she looks like…”

The famous composer also confided that one day the latter had not recognized him as the disease had progressed. “When she says to me: ‘But are you sure it’s Slimane?’ Of course, it is upsetting”said the star. “When my mother told me that she was afraid of not seeing her anymore (Esmeralda editor’s note), and that she saw her and that she said to me: ‘It’s good, I know what she’s looks like’, it’s very strong”.

In good and bad times, Slimane can fortunately count on relatives. Especially on Vitaa with whom he has an almost brotherly relationship. “We love each other like brother and sister. There is both a restraint and a real complicity. He’s like my brother, I entrust everything to him, but with modesty.”confessed the happy mother of three children to Cine TV Revue. A nice statement that certainly touched the main interested party.


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