The aim is to “offer a possibility” of assisted dying “under very restrictive conditions”, details the former Deputy Minister of Health, Monday on franceinfo.
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“This possibility which will be offered when the law” at the end of life “will be voted on, does not oblige anyone”, affirms, on franceinfo, Monday April 22, Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo, who worked on the development of this bill when she was Deputy Minister of Health and who is now president of the special commission responsible for examining the text to the National Assembly. The law project “do not oblige doctors” And “do not force our fellow citizens, that is to say the most vulnerable, to request assistance in dying either”, adds the member for Seine-Maritime.
The goal is “to offer a possibility” assistance in dying “under very restrictive conditions”, explains the former minister. “It’s the patient who makes the request” And “only a doctor can say that the prognosis is in jeopardy”, continues Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo, recalling that five very specific criteria will have to be met to be able to request assistance in dying. This “assisted dying” will be reserved for adult patients, born in France or residing in the country for a long time, and able to clearly express their wishes. The text excludes psychiatric illnesses. It will also be necessary to experience intolerable and impossible to treat suffering, physical or psychological. Finally, the vital prognosis must be undertaken in the short or medium term. “It in no way diminishes the quality of the support offered in palliative care units,” specifies the Member (Horizons) of Seine-Maritime.
“This law does not oppose palliative care to assistance in dying.”
Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo, former Minister of Healthon franceinfo
Starting Monday and for a month, the special committee will review the bill and its amendments and conduct hearings. The text must only be presented to the rest of the deputies from May 27. “Take your time, don’t rush, always work”, this is the credo of Agnès Firmin-Le Bodo for this heavy parliamentary file. She confirms that the law does not come into play “a priori” not in force before 2025.