this political slippage that has caused a lot of ink to flow!

Like many artists and actors, politicians hailed the memory of Gaspard Ulliel, who tragically died just two weeks ago on January 19. “The President of the Republic has learned with great sadness of the death of Gaspard Ulliel, taken too young, at only 37 years old, by a serious skiing accident. Actor of television since childhood, of cinema then, of theater sometimes, icon of French elegance, he dazzled all the objectives and occupied the top of the bill for more than two decades”, indicated a press release from the Élysée when Prime Minister Jean Castex tweeted: “Gaspard Ulliel grew up with cinema and cinema grew with him. They loved each other madly. It is with a heavy heart that we will now see his most beautiful interpretations and meet this certain look. We are losing a French actor”. “The cinema today loses an immense talent”, added the Minister of Culture Roselyne Bachelot. But not everyone reacted to this death in the same way.

A controversy that comes straight from the Senate

Tuesday February 1, 2022, Willy Schraen, the president of the National Federation of Hunters, mentioned the death of the 37-year-old comedian, to recall that hunting is no more dangerous than other sports practices. He was heard by the Senate’s control mission on securing hunting, while a petition having exceeded 100,000 signatures calls for a much stricter framework for the practice.

Hunting is a long way off in terms of statistics from certain sports or leisure activities. A pair of skis can also be a deadly weapon, as recent news has just proven to us.“, he thus declared provoking the indignation of some who found his remarks inappropriate.

see also: Death of Gaspard Ulliel: the first surprising revelations about the actor’s legacy

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