this political decision which scandalizes Jenifer!

A few weeks ago, Jenifer released her ninth studio album, “‘N°9”. A new opus that is both festive and personal, in which strings, brass and percussion combine in a vintage tone that perfectly suits his pop universe. “She found the taste to sing, to reconnect with her audience“, explained last summer her new manager, Thierry Saïd. Since then, the former winner of the “Star Academy” has been holding interviews like the one she has just given to the LGBT + magazine Tribu Move. singer to evoke of course her last pieces but also to venture on a more political ground

Jenifer talks about the use of abortion

Jenifer particularly deplored the recent American decision of the Supreme Court to question the right to abortion in the United States. “I find it criminal, terribly unfair and this Supreme Court decision will inevitably have an impact on American women. The working classes living in conservative states will be the first to suffer from new anti-abortion laws“, she began. Before continuing: “Some women cannot afford the luxury of traveling hundreds of kilometers to reach a State authorizing it, they are thus forced by the force of circumstances to carry unwanted pregnancies to term or to have recourse to an abortion. illegal that puts their lives in danger. I also think of the women who are raped, there are unwanted children because they cannot have an abortion.” “For me, this is absolute horror! It shouldn’t exist… A’ron, Joseph and Juvanni’s mom concluded.

In her new opus, Jenifer also addresses her three children. “It’s a statement to my offspring. It’s going to be complicated to sing it, it took me a lot of time to perform it in the studio already. I had to really put my modesty aside. It’s even hard to talk about it so much it moves me… My children did not hear it”, she explained to Yann Barthès in Daily, referring to the song “En attendant”.


See also: Jenifer cash on her cigarette consumption and her current state of health

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