this phone call from Marine Le Pen to Emmanuel Macron…

At 44, Emmanuel Macron was re-elected President of the Republic this Sunday, April 24. With 58.8% of the vote in the second round, the tenant of the Elysée is ahead of the candidate of the RN Marine Le Pen (41.2%). Once again, Marine Le Pen has failed at the gates of power, again colliding with the glass ceiling of the far right in France. The daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen can however be delighted to have brought her political family to the highest level of a presidential election since the Second World War. It has also significantly reduced the gap with Emmanuel Macron compared to 2017.

After the announcement of Emmanuel Macron’s victory, Marine Le Pen took the floor to express herself on this defeat, in the face of her supporters gathered at the Armenonville pavilion located in the Bois de Boulogne in Paris. “Tonight’s result is in itself a resounding victory. Millions of our compatriots have made the choice of the national camp”, she rejoiced. But if in her speech, the Frontist candidate had no words to publicly congratulate Emmanuel Macron on his re-election, the National Rally candidate would however have taken the trouble to call him. According to information from France 2, Marine Le Pen would have called the re-elected president shortly after the announcement of the results to address him a few words of fair play.

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