this pain that scares Paul El Kharrat terribly

Guest of the program “Le Buzz TV” for TV Magazine, Paul El Kharrat returned to his problems to meet someone. “Love relationships among autistic people in general are very very complex, very very complicated even, but they are not impossible.“, explained the former noon master. “Have you ever experienced stories that could be described as flirtations?, then asked Damien Canivez, presenter of the show. “Yes, there must have been, but it didn’t go any further. There was no creation of romantic feelings. So on the contrary, my vis-à-vis had a lot more but I had a lot more trouble creating that feeling. Maybe because I know it is destructive and that if I were affected by it I would suffer from it ardently, especially if it is not reciprocal“, replied the member of the Big Heads.

And today you want to fall in love ?” the reporter asked. “I have this desire to see what it does. ‘Cause I’ve never known that feeling of love. This noble feeling but how difficult and destructive when it is not reciprocated or when it is brought to a stop. But I know that I have this desire to know him out of curiosity. But maybe I would suffer to death if I carried it…“, Hammered Paul El Kharrat.

On the occasion of the release of his new book Welcome to my world :Me, Paul, autistic Asperger’spublished by Harper Collins, Paul El Kharrrat also confided in the pages ofParis here October 19. “I had several girlfriends but none to dedicate everything to. I would like to know love at least once, out of curiosity“, explained the former noon master. “I don’t think I’m leaving room for him. It looks very hard, as I have the desire and the fear to be“, he continued. Questioning the problems he encounters in meeting a life partner, Paul El Kharrat dared an astonishing comparison with a famous French writer. “I’m a bit like Guy de Maupassant, mortified by a young lady who did not respond favorably to his urgent requests and never found love.“, he confessed.


See also: Paul El Kharrat admits that he tried to end his life

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