this other sentence of Macron on the unvaccinated which shocks

In his interview with the readers of “Parisien”, the President of the Republic assumed his desire to “piss off” the unvaccinated in a very remarkable statement. Another sentence, on their citizenship, also makes people react.

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It’s the other little sentence, less noticed, but just as controversial. In his interview with the readers of Parisian, published on Tuesday January 4, the President of the Republic did not only assume his “desire” “to piss off the French”. He also estimated that unvaccinated people were “irresponsible”. “When my freedom threatens that of others, I become irresponsible. An irresponsible person is no longer a citizen”, did he declare.

Although it was less noticed, this statement also elicited a procession of outraged reactions. “After the deprivation of nationality, the deprivation of citizenship”, reacted the deputy La France rebellious Clémentine Autain on Twitter.

Eric Ciotti, adviser to the candidate Les Républicains Valérie Pécresse, drew up a comparison with the forfeiture of nationality for terrorists, debated in 2016 under François Hollande. “In 2016, Emmanuel Macron refused the forfeiture of nationality for Islamist terrorists based on the fact that everyone is a citizen. There, the unvaccinated would be more dangerous than terrorists”, he declared on France Inter.

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