this non-negotiable condition for his possible return to the series!

If TF1 has not yet confirmed the return of More beautiful liferumors are already rife on the Web. “Have we decided? No. We have always said that Plus belle la vie was a strong and beautiful brand. We are starting to work with Newen [qui produisait Plus belle la vie et est aussi aux manettes de Demain nous appartient et Ici tout commence, les deux autres feuilletons quotidiens de la Une, ndlr] to find out if there is a possibility of extending this adventure on TF1, but for the moment there is nothing recorded”, recently declared the deputy general manager of the TF1 group, Ara Aprikian, in the columns of Tele-Leisure.

Although nothing has been formalized yet, most of the actors in the cult soap opera are ready to re-enter. Among them, Laurent Kérusoré, Stéphane Hénon, Jérôme Bertin and Cécilia Hornus. In any case, this is what they confided to our colleagues from TV 2 Weeks.

See also:

Pierre Martot ready to resume his role?

For his part, Pierre Martot, who played the role of Léo Castelli, would also have received a phone call from the production. As you know, and as I already knew at that time, following the success of the performances in February, the Lavoir Moderne offered me to perform Le Mythe de Sisyphe by Albert Camus from October 11 to 29. For me, it’s a cover, but it’s the first time that this magnificent text has been performed at the theatre. I will also play it in Eu, Normandy, as part of a festival on October 5th and 6th”, confided the actor to Tele-Leisure before adding: So I let the production know that I will not be available during the month of October. We said to ourselves that we would see for the continuation according to the stories that the authors would like to tell with the character of Léo and according to my availability. If ever More beautiful life should resume, I wish the best success to my former colleagues.”.

As a reminder, Pierre Martot is not the only one to put a brake on production. Rebecca Hampton, meanwhile, has no intention of making her comeback at the Mistral. For me, it was very, very complicated to finish. It really was worse than a breakup. For me it’s a finished story…”, she had explained to our colleagues. “If it starts again on TF1, it will start again without me. Everything can evolve. Of course they would call me tomorrow morning saying ‘it’s starting again’, I would say no. I can’t leave right away”. To be continued…


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