this new scandal that should denounce Elise Lucet (“Cash Investigation”) on France 2!

Accustomed to unearthing and highlighting the abuses of certain dominant elites, Elise Lucet is the perfect archetype of the journalist who does not balk at the obstacles that some try to put up in her way. Whether it is by pursuing Rachida Dati in the corridors of the European Parliament or by trying to track down certain bosses of large industries with questionable practices, the former presenter of the JT de 13 heures de France 2 has strong backs in the face of adversity.

Like David’s fight against Goliath, the journalist stands up to the powerful and unearths the scandals that regularly make the headlines. In her issue of “Cash Investigation”, Elise Lucet revealed behind the scenes of the American fast food giant, whose 1,400 restaurants are located in France for 2 million meals sold every day in France. “You will discover that, to reduce costs and prepare a meal in 90 seconds flat, McDonald’s has reinvented assembly line work in its restaurants. Musculoskeletal disorders, stress, fatigue, the bill paid by employees would be high“.”Maximum work rhythms for mini salaries. In McDonald’s restaurants, many employees are part-time, paid the hourly minimum wage, with very flexible, sometimes illegal contracts.“, revealed the news magazine.

And when she isn’t tracking down the powerful in “Cash Investigation”, Elise Lucet is at the head of “Special Envoy” where she also flushes out certain scandals. This Thursday, May 12, 2022, the journalist from France 2 will offer two investigations with the scent of controversy. Two shocking documentaries around perfluorinated substances and eternal pollutants. The magazine says that Italians are constantly raising alerts against the dangers of these industrial discharges with a limited lifespan and their effects on the health of local residents. The situation is such that around twenty municipalities in Veneto have been declared to be in the “red zone”. Revelations to discover this evening from 9 p.m. on France 2.


See also: “Cash Investigation” deprogrammed: why France 2 dismisses Elise Lucet?

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