this new issue of Cash Investigation by Elise Lucet which should update a new scandal!

Thursday, February 17, 2022, our colleagues from Buzz Tv, TV Mag’s reference TV show for Le Figaro, received Laurent Guimier. The information director of France Télévisions notably mentioned the next issue of “Élysée 2022: Facing France Télévisions” in which he intervenes. “I take journalistic pleasure in doing that, even if it’s globally incompatible when you manage 2,500 journalists. It’s an improved internship, I don’t intend to resume a program at the start of the school year“, he explains. The one who was an executive at Europe 1 replaced at short notice Thomas Sotto who was asked to step back following his marital relationship with one of Jean Castex’s advisers.

But Thomas Sotto is not the only one to have to leave his place. Indeed, from 8:40 p.m., Laurent Guimier will co-present on France 2 a new issue of the political magazine in the company of Nathalie Saint-Cricq. The journalist took the place for an evening of Léa Salamé, positive for Covid-19. After Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Yannick Jadot will be on the grill tonight. “Beyond the audience, we see if we have the feeling of having made a good show, and if the politician considers that the contract that we concluded with him is fulfilled“, argues Laurent Guimier about the debut of last week.

Laurent Guimier talks about the next issue of Cash Investigation

But the news director of France Télévisions also spoke about the next issue of Cash Investigation. And according to him, it looks smoking. The report is part of the Ehpad scandal revealed by the book Les Fossoyeurs, by Victor Castanet. “I think it will make noise. It’s not opportunism because our teams have been working on these issues for almost five years.“, specifies Laurent Guimier. The program which often makes the buzz and is criticized by some of its methods should therefore once again set foot in the dish.

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