In April 2011, Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès became one of France’s best-known fugitives. And for good reason, the ex-commercial is suspected of having killed his wife and their four children in Nantes. If the corpses were very quickly found at their home, the father of the family is still nowhere to be found. The latest news, investigators do not exclude the fact that he could have left French territory.
Despite the measures put in place, Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès managed to escape the authorities. Exclusive via the documentary “Dupont de Ligonnès: the series”, BFM TV tried to dissect his mysterious escape. Shortly after the discovery of the corpses of his clan, a motorist made an intriguing statement to the gendarmes.
“We are faced with a real enigma…”
According to his testimony, he picked up a hitchhiker on the highway who “smelled badly” around Lançon-Provence. After their meeting, the man in question ticks about his striking resemblance to Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès. Relying on this track, the police then questioned a cashier who would have exchanged with the latter. The main interested party would have pointed out that he “had a hole in his teeth”.
To this day, the mystery remains… All the hypotheses regarding Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès are constantly dissected in the media. A situation that is not always easy to live with for his relatives who believe he is still alive. “It is very complicated for victims to mourn their brother, their son when the file does not give the keys to the answer, in particular the motive and the disappearance which we still do not understand”, analyzed Me Stéphane Goldenstein, the lawyer for the sister and mother of the famous fugitive for RTL and to conclude: “Where he might be, alive or dead; we do not know this answer, so we are faced with a real enigma”.
to see also: Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès alive? This new testimony which revives all speculation!