this legal defeat at 80,000 euros

Although they are from the same generation of football stars, David Ginola and Didier Deschamps are not likely to be the best friends in the world. However, they were part of the France team at the same time. That said, carla’s dad was not present during the Blues’ memorable victory in the 1998 World Cup.

A great and eternal regret for David Ginola. But this absence would actually be the fault of Didier Deschamps. At least that’s what the one who made daring revelations about his sex life revealed during an interview with the magazine Complément d’Enquête devoted to Didier Deschamps in 2018. “If I didn’t make the 1998 World Cup, it’s because of him”he accused.

But he didn’t stop there as El Magnifico added: “It’s someone who for me prevented me from realizing my dream“. Moreover, David Ginola went even further since he had refused to participate in the show and filed a complaint against France Télévisions for invasion of his privacy in the process. In addition, he claimed nearly 80 000 euros per chain.

Only here, he was dismissed for the first time at the end of 2020 by the Paris court. The one who was tackled by Alex Goudedid not wish to stop there and decided to appeal this decision and the verdict fell on May 25th.

Thus, the Paris Court of Appeal rejected the request of the former presenter of France has an unbelievable talent confirming the trial judgment.

Shocked by this decision and the fact that the promised discussions did not take place, David Ginola shared his feelings thanks to his lawyer. “The two journalists who interviewed my client claimed to be public service to trap him. (…) They explained to him that they only wanted to discuss, but did not respect this promise. It is unworthy of public service” , confided Me Bénédicte Puybasset at the microphone of Capital. For its part, France Télévisions says it is satisfied with a “relatively classic decision”. So the case will end like this.


See also: Alex Goude tackles David Ginola

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