this juror of Dancing with the stars who swings!

Last season of “Dancing with the Stars” was marked by an almost complete overhaul of the jury, with in particular the arrival of a certain François Alu. The dancer from the Paris Opera was thus asked by the production of the show to give his expertise on the performance of the candidates. And if the 28-year-old young man gained a strong notoriety following his arrival in DALS, this dance virtuoso was questioned last night, in “We are live”, on a key point in his artistic career.

Indeed, the one who is currently showing his show “Completely thrown!” is principal dancer of the Paris Opera Ballet, the rank just before the coveted “star dancer”. Laurent Ruquier asked him if he would one day reach this rank. “I don’t know. It’s the director of dance and the director of the opera Alexander Neef who decides that”, first reacted the dancer.

But far from feeling sorry for himself, François Alu preferred to draw positives from this non-consecration: “At the same time, it did me a favor because I would have become a little prick if it had happened too quickly and there it taught me what it is to have an antagonistic force. That way, we questions a lot and if it had been too simple, I think I would never have made a film like that, I would never have started writing”. he blurted out.

And when Léa Salamé asks him if this title of “star dancer” remains his objective, François Alu explains that he does not want to take the lead. “I try to be a little stoic, like it’s not in my hands, I don’t have a grip on it, I can’t do more than what I do, that is, I work and I believe in my art. I try to be an artist with integrity and if that happens, it’s wonderful, if it doesn’t, there are plenty of other experiences that will fall“, affirmed the artist.

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