This job that the host wanted to do … but that she gave up because of her ex!

Wednesday November 10, Julie Andrieu unveiled a new book: A comme astuces. An alphabet book of more than 900 tips and 90 illustrated recipes that she promoted during her appearance in C à Vous on France 5.

True queen of the kitchen, the wife of neurosurgeon Stéphane Delajoux was predestined for another career, as Pierre Lescure pointed out.

“Before cooking, your first passion was photography and it was by living with a photographer, not just any photographer, Jean-Marie Périer, that you understood that you might have to choose another path. , if you wanted to have a passion and live normally “, he clarified.

Accurate information since Julie Andrieu “wanted to be a photo-reporter, journalist” like a Robert Capa, Cartier-Bresson … ”

“Jean-Marie who had undoubtedly detected that I was very lacking in talent in this area, but who above all wanted to keep me close to him, said to me: ‘You fantasize a little about this job. Cartier-Bresson. For a Sebastião Salgado, you still have a lot of people struggling. Well maybe you can find another way ‘. “, she explained. So it is towards the kitchen that she turned “because (her ex) loved good food”.

The sister of this last companion, Anne-Marie who represented the woman she “would have liked to be” who sealed his fate. “And seeing his admiration for a vague terrine of poultry livers, I thought maybe I can do something in this area”.

A career choice that pays off in view of what Hadrian and Gaia’s mother has undertaken so far!

See also: “She spoke badly”: the surprising revelations of Julie Di Bona on the set of “Plan B” with Kim Higelin


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