“This is not what will change my life”, testifies a nursery school assistant

“I already know that this is not going to change my life”, reacts Maria, Atsem (territorial agent specializing in nursery schools), learning of the possible revaluation of the index point of civil servants. After almost ten years of freezing, the government promises to increase it by 3.5% from August 1, with retroactivity to July 1. This is one of the measures of the bill on purchasing power presented, Thursday, July 7, in the Council of Ministers.

Maria, 53, took the civil service exam 15 years ago to become Atsem. Since then, she has worked in a kindergarten in Seine-Saint-Denis with children aged 4 and 5. She earns 1,600 euros net per month. “My salary is enough to pay taxes, daily bills and house credit. After that, I have nothing”, Maria explains. Her husband is currently on disability pension. “With three dependent children, it’s a very difficult situation.”

If the index point for civil servants increases by 3.5%, as the government promises, Maria will earn 48 euros net more per month. “It’s better to have a raise than no raise at all, but I don’t think it will be enough compared to the current purchasing power. Everything is increasing”notes Atsem.

Maria is annoyed by the Atsem’s lack of recognition. Their tasks are multiple and not always well defined: reception, canteen, sleep and hygiene of the children, maintenance of the toilets, accompaniment of the teacher in the various activities.

“It’s intense. We have classes of 25 students, little ones. It’s a lot of screaming, it’s a lot of crying. It’s hard physically because we’re always down.”

Maria, Atsem

at franceinfo

“The tables are low. Sometimes you have to carry the children to put them in the beds or for the shower. Bending down to tie the coats, tie the laces”, list Maria. In addition to the 3.5% increase, the government is announcing additional, more or less categorical measures. The unions consider them insufficient to compensate for the loss of purchasing power. The CGT is calling for a 10% increase in the index point.

Revaluation of the index point of civil servants – the report by Sarah Lemoine

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