“this is not the solution”, replies the PCF candidate Fabien Roussel

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09:08 : 9 hours, let’s take a look at the news:

“I will not participate in a primary of the left, because the election is in four and a half months. You have to be a little serious”, this morning the environmental candidate Yannick Jadot reacted, the day after Anne Hidalgo’s proposal. Follow our live.

# COVID_19“The white plan will probably be national in the coming days”, announces the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, on France 2. Asked about the Omicron variant, the minister specifies that “the oxygen requirements, the number of intensive care admissions, the length of hospitalization and the number of deaths are less important”, according to a latest study.

#UE Emmanuel Macron presents today his priorities for the French Presidency of the Council of the EU (PFUE), which will begin on January 1 for six months. The Head of State will speak during a press conference at 4 p.m.

One third of household products contain a large amount of substance“potentially harmful”, alert the magazine 60 million consumers in a special issue published today.

08:40 : “If you don’t know what to do, if you doubt your candidacies, come and join us”, launches the Communist candidate Fabien Roussel to Anne Hidalgo and Arnaud Montebourg, the day after their proposals for more rallying on the left. The national secretary of the PCF is the guest of franceinfo this morning.

08:33 : On Europe 1, Yannick Jadot affirms that “the dynamic propelling force in the camp of progress is political ecology”. “I call on the Socialists not to have a candidacy whatever the cost” in the presidential election, continues the environmental candidate. Anne Hidalgo has indeed specified that she would maintain her candidacy if her call for a primary on the left was not heard.

8:20 a.m. : “I will not participate in a primary of the left, because the election is in four and a half months. You have to be a little serious.”

Invited from Europe 1 this morning, the environmental candidate Yannick Jadot reacts to Anne Hidalgo’s proposal to organize a primary on the left for the presidential election. “She takes note of the impasse of her candidacy, of her difficulty in getting the ideas she carries through into public opinion., he says. IThere is a desire to break the deadlock with a surprise idea. This is not the choice of environmentalists. “

08:03 : “It’s not an SOS, it’s just a necessary collective awareness.”

Guest of France Inter this morning, the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Olivier Faure, returns to the proposal of the socialist candidate, Anne Hidalgo, to organize a primary on the left for the presidential election.

07:36 : “Voting between different dead ends, that never made a boulevard”, declares this morning on franceinfo Julien Bayou, national secretary of EELV, in reaction to the proposal of Anne Hidalgo to organize a primary on the left. The environmental candidate Yannick Jadot will not participate “obviously” not, he says.

7:40 a.m. : Hello @cyclo_ecolo, “we have a candidate who will go all the way”, replied a member of the PCF campaign to RMC, in reaction to Anne Hidalgo’s proposal to organize a primary on the left. “Fabien Roussel is a candidate and will remain so”, assured the entourage of the Communist candidate to AFP.

07:27 : Hello Valentine. Has the PCF reacted to Anne Hidalgo’s primary proposal?

07:37 : Here is a first point on the news of the morning:

• Emmanuel Macron presents today his priorities for the French Presidency of the Council of the EU (PFUE), which will begin on January 1 for six months. The Head of State will speak during a press conference at 4 p.m.

• Arnaud Montebourg yesterday proposed a gathering of candidates on the left, while the socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo defended the idea of ​​a primary against “this fractured left”. Proposals rejected at this stage by environmentalists and rebels.

• Transmission, vaccine efficacy, level of severity … What do the latest studies say about the Omicron variant? Franceinfo provides an update in this article.

• One third of household products contain a large amount of substances “potentially harmful”, alert the magazine 60 million consumers in a special issue published today.

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