After a week of speculation around the formation of a new government, the head of state threw some confusion on Sunday evening by inviting Élisabeth Borne to the Élysée. A particular political sequence but not necessarily unprecedented, comments Brice Teinturier, deputy general director of the Ipsos institute.
Reading time: 6 min

This is the story of an urgent reshuffle that drags on forever! Still no white smoke, Monday January 8 in the morning, and officially, the government is at work. The Élysée and the government have been letting this rumor of a reshuffle circulate for several days. On Sunday, Élisabeth Borne was at the Élysée to talk about the floods and the extreme cold. “This is not the first time we have had rumors of an imminent reshuffle and that reshuffle is actually delayed”confides Brice Teinturier. It could be either difficulties in putting together the entire team, or simply hesitation on the part of the Head of State who has not yet made his choice clear.”
Leaving the trial “politically impotent.”
On the profile of this new government, “we can say that Emmanuel Macron is looking for a somewhat renewed government, but renewed with whom?, analyzes the general director of the Ipsos institute. The President of the Republic certainly wants a new Prime Minister to find new “political fuel” and get out of this trial “in political impotence.” “This is the marker of his wishes for December 31. Emmanuel Macron wanted to reaffirm that the year 2024 would be a useful year of transformation.”