“This is nonsense”, tackles the president of the Magistrates’ Union

The words of the new Minister of the Interior shocked Kim Reuflet, president of the Magistrates’ Union. She recalls that the rule of law is above all “a guarantee for all citizens”.


Reading time: 1 min

Bruno Retailleau's remarks on the rule of law are judged "scary" by the Magistrates’ Union. (LUC NOBOUT / MAXPPP)

“It is nonsense for the legislator that he was, and for the member of the government that he has become and who makes the law, to call for not respecting the rule of law”tackle Monday September 30 on franceinfo Kim Reuflet, president of the Magistrates’ Union, in reaction to the comments of Bruno Retailleau, made Sunday on LCI and in the JDD. The new Minister of the Interior believes that the rule of law is not “not intangible, nor sacred”that “it is a set of rules, a hierarchy of norms, judicial control, a separation of powers, but [que] the source of the rule of law is democracy, it is the sovereign people”.

“He is not the first to make this type of absolutely frightening statement”recalls Kim Reuflet. “Calling not to respect the rule of law is calling not to respect the laws that we have voted for collectively”explains the president of the magistrates’ union. “A France that leaves the rule of law means accepting that the State is not subject to the law, that we are all not subject to the law. And therefore, it is the reign of the ‘arbitrary”she continues.

The rule of law, “it is the social contract, the right to liberty, to life, social rights, it is a set of rights in our legal corpus that we must respect and that the State must respect”she adds, “it is a guarantee for all citizens”.

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