Guest on franceinfo on Tuesday, Rachel-Flore Pardo welcomes an important tribute for the families of the victims of October 7 and regrets the announced presence of elected officials from La France Insoumise.
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“It’s an important moment which will take place tomorrow at Les Invalides”greets Maître Rachel-Flore Pardo, member of the association of lawyers for victims of October 7, before the tribute, Wednesday February 7, to the Invalides chaired by Emmanuel Macron.
“France is the first country in the world to organize a national tribute of this magnitude for its nationals who were assassinated by Hamas terrorists on October 7 in Israel,” she continues. “It is an important moment which must allow us to remember their names, to honor their memories, which must also show that France is alongside their loved ones who are today in mourning for our compatriots who are of nationality French and who are no less French than anyone else.
This tribute should not “generate a political controversy”
While several families of French victims of Hamas attacks wrote to Emmanuel Macron to ask him “that any presence of La France Insoumise be prohibited” during the ceremony of February 7, on January 23, Mathilde Panot, the president of the La France Insoumise group at the National Assembly, announced that she would be present on February 7. She requested that it be returned “a tribute to all the French victims of this war in the Middle East”.
Maître Rachel-Flore Pardo thinks that this tribute should not “generate a political controversy and deeply regrets that the elected officials of La France Insoumise do not have the decency to listen to what the families of the people who died are asking. These families are in mourning, these families are suffering and this tribute is important for They don’t want him to be disturbed.”