The actor said he was “extremely shocked by the media coverage” following the interview given by his son “Paris Match”.
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“These are families who have a special link, perhaps from another era, with the press”declared Thursday January 4 on franceinfo the editorial director of Paris Match, Caroline Mangez. The journalist is at the origin of the shocking interview with Anthony Delon published Thursday, at the heart of the controversy. In this interview, Alain Delon’s son denounces the declining state of health of the 88-year-old star and accuses his half-sister Anouchka of manipulating him. In the afternoon on Thursday, Alain Delon announced that he was filing a complaint, following his son’s comments which were intended to “harm him” as well as his daughter Anouchka.
In this interview with Paris MatchAnthony Delon, 59 years old, indicates that his father Alain is “weakened” And “can no longer stand seeing yourself like that, diminished”. The actor’s son also claims to have filed a complaint against his sister Anouchka, accusing her of not having informed him that their father had failed to “five cognitive tests” carried out between 2019 and 2022.
franceinfo: Why did Anthony Delon tell you all that?
Caroline Mangez: This interview was conducted by telephone between Christmas and New Year’s Day. We had been in contact for some time. We had made several requests for interviews since Hiromi Rollin left Douchy-Montcorbon (Loiret) last July, in incredible conditions.
He finally agreed to answer when I asked him about this handrail. Why this timing? I don’t know. In any case, he agreed to say things quite frankly. This interview does not focus exclusively on Anouchka, his half-sister. It also concerns his relationship with his father. It’s long, it says a lot of things. Obviously, this story of hiding a certain number of tests carried out in Switzerland after Alain Delon’s stroke is not going well. This is what we read, between the lines of the interview.
Are you surprised by the cascading reactions that this interview has triggered?
The stunt is added to this letter from the prosecutor announcing the dismissal of the complaints. And then on the other hand, we are not surprised that Anoushka Delon reacted to her brother’s comments, it’s obvious that it was going to happen. Today, there was an Instagram post from Anthony Delon, he gives very precise times of his sister’s arrival in Douchy, with Match under his arm and his sister’s departure at 2:20 p.m. I find it extremely fast. Afterwards it’s their choice, we follow the news. When we look at the timing: the handrail we are talking about was deposited in November, Anthony Delon only spoke to me about it at the end of December, he was made aware of the existence of these tests in Switzerland in September. So I imagine that since then, there have been family conversations that have not come to fruition… This interview is a big rant from Anthony Delon.
Why isn’t dirty laundry washed in the Delon family?
So… Clean laundry can also be washed in newspapers! We have always followed the Delons. We saw them born in our newspapers, Alain Delon posed with Rosalie on his knees, we saw them grow up. First of all, these are families who have a special link, perhaps from another era, with the press. And then, when we can’t wash well as a family, it ends up coming out.
We saw it on the Hiromi Rollin affair, a lot of things came out. And then, let’s not deny it: there is a curiosity on our part, since we are the ones who are going to ask him for an interview. As soon as we obtain them, we publish them. There you have it, these are things that happen in this extremely popular and well-known family, but that we see happening in the families of people who are much less well-known, including those around us.