Alexandra Lamy is one of the favorite personalities of the French! Propelled as a star thanks to the series “A guy, a girl”, the artist – thereafter – multiplied the projects in the 7ᵉ art. Despite her notoriety, the main interested party prefers to live in all simplicity. At 50, Alexandra Lamy is a fulfilled woman. And her age does not make her more complex than that… Quite the contrary!
“Unlike some actresses, who hate talking about their age, I don’t care”she revealed in the columns of TV 7 days.“Today, a 50-year-old woman can be beautiful and desirable.” On a daily basis, Chloé Jouannet’s mother rediscovers herself and assumes herself at all levels. “In 2021, being this age no longer has anything to do with being in her fifties at the time of my grandmother, who was a grandma,” added the sister of Audrey Lamy.
“When you feel younger…”
Same story for her quarantine, which she accepted rather well. “40 years was fine with me. It’s true that it’s the best age for a woman, because we have the experience, the maturity, we’ve been through enough hard knocks to be strong […] », clarified Alexandra Lamy for Psychologies. It is said ! Like the members of his illustrious family, the ex-wife of Jean Dujardin is very active on Instagram. The opportunity for his community to discover some images of his life away from the spotlight.
This Wednesday, May 25, 2022, the main interested party made a jump to the medical-aesthetic center “Target Skin” in Paris. There, specialists have obviously given him countless advice on his skincare routine. Out of sight, Alexandra Lamy could also have fallen for some care of the institute. Facing the camera, the actress looked divine in simple jeans and a white sweater that matched her sneakers. “When you feel younger”she captioned. “Thank you @cibleskinparis”. A nice publicity stunt!

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