this humorist who clashe a former minister!

Jérémy Ferrari clearly does not have his tongue in his pocket and he proved it again last night, Saturday 18 December, on the set of “On est en direct”. The comedian revealed in 2010 in the show “We only want to laugh” strongly tackled Christophe Castaner, former Minister of the Interior. Invited to evoke the delicate situation in which the hospital system is currently and the ill-being of the nursing staff, Jérémy Ferrari was not kind to the current president of the LREM group in the National Assembly. “Reality is violent for people, we are screwing up their lives. You have succeeded in demotivating real enthusiasts”, He was indignant with vigor.

In the process, the comedian who got out of “black alcoholism” continued his grievances: “Reality is violent for people. They lose their box, they can no longer go out (…) People’s daily life is very violent right now, not to mention the behavior of the press which is destroying people’s brains ( …) That is concrete, it is something very hard. And in response we have species of projects and figures. Me, I do not understand anything… What is concrete? need is beds! “, got carried away by the 36-year-old artist.

Jostled, Christophe Castaner defended himself as much as possible: “The evil is not recent and your observation I find too dramatic. And I am rather in favor of nuance. And so because I am a color chart, I am not telling you that everything that has been done is good and the problem is behind us. He is in front of us (…) I find that your indictment is extremely brutal and that it does not correspond to reality“, replied the minister.

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