this huge tackle, on Instagram, to Emmanuel Macron and the government

It is once again masked that we will have to spend New Years Eve … Two years after the arrival of Covid-19 in our lives, our daily life does not seem to have changed. Of course, we are entitled to a few moments of respite, when the pandemic seems to have been slowed down and the number of cases affected by the virus remains. ” reasonable “. But even with the arrival of the vaccine, and respecting the barrier gestures, a new wave is coming and we still do not know where it will lead us.

So much so that everyone is wondering how we are going to live in the coming months. Are we going to have to endure a new curfew or, even worse, a new lockdown? Even if nobody knows it for the moment, the trend seems favorable to a situation that we already experienced two years ago and last year …

Jean Castex announced, a few days ago, new measures making people talk. With a new introduction of gauges for shows, concerts, and football matches. The ban on eating or drinking in cinemas and the implementation of a vaccination pass. Faced with these decisions, many citizens and personalities went out of their way and did not hesitate to express their dissatisfaction on social networks. Some remained measured, and others, seemed in total freewheeling like Julien Doré, making fun of the fact that the gauges did not concern political meetings. The artist then changing his poster, revealing the dates of his tour, replacing ” in concert “ through “In meeting” …

Jean-Luc Reichmann, meanwhile, posted a story on his Instagram account letting people understand what he thought of the situation and the government’s decisions. “In less than five years, we have nevertheless gone from ” Working ! “To” Sit, not move! “”. The host referring, by quoting “On the march”, to Emmanuel Macron’s campaign slogan when he was running for the 2017 Presidential election.

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