this huge hassle he has to face with Nathalie Lecoultre!

A few days of vacation that are good… Or not. Indeed, Jean-Luc Reichmann has chosen to take a short break with his half Nathalie Lecoultre while traveling to the United States. However, it is not really a relaxing trip according to the latest publications of the host who has just been severely tackled by a famous comedian.

On May 23, Jean-Luc Reichmann received Olivier De Besnoist in the 12 noon shots. The latter, who has always been very fond of dark humor, wanted to attack the host of TF1 for the occasion. “I made a theory and I would like to know if it works here too. In fact I discovered that the child is different according to the place he has in the family. I know for example that my eldest does not like not be the eldest so I would like to know who is an elder among you”the midday master then raising his arm before the comedian adds: “Well, you elders, you are prototypes. If we parents have other children after the elders, it’s because we don’t want to stay on a failure. The eldest is the failed pancake, it’s is the one we leave to the dog”.

Complicated road trip

Olivier de Benoist continuing by asking who was the second child of a family in order to establish a second theory. Jean-Luc Reichmann in turn raised his hand, but would perhaps have done better to abstain… “So the second in a family, nobody cares. He’s the pariah and he’s very often ugly, can you confirm that Jean-Luc?”a question that made Nathalie Lecoultre’s companion and the rest of the set laugh out loud.

But the laughs seem to have disappeared since Jean-Luc Reichmann is in the United States to make a road trip with his better half. The couple decided to cross the continent across the Atlantic on a motorcycle and, although it has only just begun, the journey seems very long and exhausting, as evidenced by the latest publication of the host. This one let it be known that he had no more gas in his vehicle and that the station at which he had just stopped was not delivering any… All this, under a stifling heat of 42 degrees… hoping he can get help to get back on the road!

See also: Discover the sad publication of Jean-Luc Reichmann on Instagram


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