this heavy secret that Mika has always hidden!

With his atypical voice and personality, Mika has conquered the hearts of fans over the years. If the ex-coach of The Voice offers fewer titles than a few years ago, this does not prevent him from meeting his fans and revealing some secrets to his community. And if the artist could not be as present as usual, it is also because he was experiencing several difficult periods. Especially with the death of his mother in 2020 following “a very large tumor […] an extremely aggressive brain cancer”he confided in an interview with Paris Match.

Two years later, he had to put his career on hold again as he announced on his social networks several months ago. “I was ill and had to have an emergency appointment with a doctor. On his orders, I will not be able to perform on stage tonight”, he revealed with a heavy heart before reassuring them and promising them a new appointment on April 5 in New York. However, he was again facing the disease and still had to cancel the date…

“Relax”, not so happy

“Although I am on the mend and feeling better (thank you all for your kind messages), I am not recovered enough to sing and I need to rest my body and my voice, so that I can be treated on As fast as possible”he apologized before assuring that he had “really looking forward to meeting you all”. In the end, fans of Mika were able to find him through a recent interview with Konbini.

An interview in which he made a huge revelation about a title that allowed him to be highlighted: Relax. A song that made millions of people dance with its catchy sound and a jovial atmosphere. However, the title would not be amusing. “I go on the tube to go to the studio to record. At a certain moment there is an alarm, it’s in London, we go up to the street and we learn that there is a terrorist attack which has made many casualties”he recalls before explaining that this attack inspired him for his song: “And I write a song that starts with the line ‘I took a ride to the last stop where no one ever goes’. It’s about uncertainty, death, collective fear”. Mika ensures that “99% of people who know the song don’t know the origin of the song at all”. And according to the singer, it would suit him totally: “and… that’s how it goes”.

See also: “Stéphane Bern, be nice, please, I ask you”: Mika warns the host before the Eurovision final


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