this heavy family secret that Patrick Sabatier is about to reveal

At 70, the famous host seems to still have a lot to say. These “things”, his fans and readers will be able to discover them on September 21, when his book, The letter, will be published by Éditions du Rocher. A few days before its publication, Patrick Sabatier, who refused a collaboration with Cyril Hanouna several years ago, wanted to say more about the content of the book, in an interview granted to TV Magazineand in particular make revelations about a heavy family secret that he has always hidden.

A secret linked to a hidden brother. “But not only”, immediately warn the facilitator before explaining: “It would be almost commonplace. It happens in lots of families. What is amazing is the way this secret was revealed, via a letter, hence the title of the book. A heartbreaking letter that a woman came to give me”.

This brother found several years later

In the event that some wanted to discover the story behind this letter given almost by chance, it is missed. Indeed, Patrick Sabatier specifies that “Those who read the book will discover that the story turned out to be even more incredible than that! But motus… I’m revealing a family secret with drawers”. The host will also tell the backstage of his reunion with his brother found late and the meeting organized between him, his mother, and the one with whom he could have shared many moments of his childhood.

“When I make them meet, I am as upset as they are. I see this man who opens the door and says ‘hello mum’. This moment then belongs to my mother (…) He was quite relaxed with me . We watched each other, we sniffed each other. Mom and him had time to find each other”he confides before concluding with a shocking revelation: “They are, alas, died six months apart, of the same disease”.

See also: Cyril Hanouna: his mother abused by a columnist … he throws everything!


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