this health problem that he revealed a short time ago…

Determined to become Prime Minister following the legislative elections, Jean-Luc Mélenchon engages in a new political battle which he is, this time, determined to win. The rebellious boss of La France has managed a nice tour de force in recent days by bringing together under the same banner several currents of the left. After the impossible agreement of the presidential election, the former minister of Lionel Jospin gathered his people, the socialists and the ecologists to present candidates for the upcoming elections and who must give a majority of deputies to the National Assembly.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon reveals to be deaf

If at 70, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is still in the political arena and ready to do battle, he confided a few years ago that he suffered from a disability. Guest in 2015 of the show The sofa by Marc-Olivier Fogiel, he indeed revealed that he was deaf: “I have always had trouble hearing. But I didn’t know because at the time, we didn’t track it like we do now. It is from father to son in my family. So it has drawbacks, of course, but like all disabilities, it has very great advantages“, he assured.

And this problem of deafness would, according to him, have to do with the way so particular that he sometimes has to express himself. “I have friends who can’t get angry, they envy me, they tell me: ‘It’s great, you press a button, it starts.’ […] I think it’s linked to my way of hearing badly, it seems that it’s a very particular psychology“, he explained to the facilitator.


See also: These politicians who have converted to television

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