this “health concern” which puts an end, temporarily, to his career!

Will we see Jean-Marc and Jeff Panacloc on stage again? This is the question that all ventriloquist fans have been asking themselves for several days. Indeed, the one who makes thousands of people laugh with his famous plush informed Eric Dussart, on RTLthat certain things were beginning to “drunk” him. “At first it didn’t bother me there, it’s starting to get a little drunk”he told the journalist, referring to the criticisms of his detractors, assuring that Jean-Marc would be “vulgar”.

Tackles that have no place for the comedian. Especially since he claims to have become “nicer” only at its beginnings. “It’s true that at the beginning when we started, we were the little princes of humor, then today I haven’t changed much in the end”he recalled at first before adding: “I will even say that I almost watered down compared to the very beginning and now we are almost told that we are too vulgar”.

Dates postponed due to health problem

But did this release announce the premature end of Jeff Panacloc’s career? His fans noticed that the comedian had been absent for several days on social networks and were starting to worry. Fortunately, the one who never travels without his teddy, finally took the floor on his Instagram account to finally prove that everything was fine for him or almost. “Friends, thank you for your little messages. So, yes I had to make a video for the elections, and yes I am less active on Insta”he wrote at first.

Jeff Panacloc continued by admitting to his subscribers that a health concern deprived him of the stage and meetings with his audience: “A small health problem prevents me from doing a lot of things. But things will quickly get back to normal. In any case, I hope so. In the meantime, I’m resting a bit. See you soon. Love you”. A few hours after this announcement, the comedian’s Instagram account published a new post announcing the postponement of several dates: “For health reasons, Jeff Panacloc’s shows in Nice, Toulon and Marseille are postponed”.

See also: Jeff Panacloc overwhelmed by emotion…


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