This funny reason why his wife regularly “yells” at home!

It’s no secret that Nikos Aliagas is a great photography enthusiast. When not in the spotlight, the presenter of The Voice is behind the lens! A second cap on which the 53-year-old man confided in an interview with Technikart on July 5.

“I photograph the stars that I meet in the context of my work. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t pull out my camera. They know it now. We are looking for a place, a light, an angle. It’s often improvised, folded in three or four clicks, without much staging.said Nikos Aliagas who is used to sharing his famous black and white shots via his Instagram account.

“I am a psychopathic photographer”

Asked by our colleagues, the TV man also revealed his secrets for taking THE perfect photo! “Each photo is unique. Contrary to everything that is possible with filters, like on social networks for example, it’s quite the opposite that I do. Each photo must be processed with the same tools, but with a particular path”he replied.

And to add, referring to his couple: “ I have tens of thousands of photos, I keep everything and then my wife yells at me because there’s no more space… And what’s more, I print, because I tell myself that we don’t know never, if there is no longer the Internet one day… I am a “psychopathic” photographer, I have neuroses (laughs). But there are no rules, I don’t have any myself. I have no certainty, it is doubt that makes me create. » Small shouting matches that will not prevent Nikos Aliagas from putting aside his passion. ” It’s a necessity “he concluded, referring to his activity as a photographer.

See also: Nikos Aliagas: 14 people filed a complaint after the filming of his show on TF1!

Lisa Ziane

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