this frenzied evening with a famous comedian… Proof in support!

Denitsa Ikonomova has seen better days… On October 21, the pretty brunette signed her big comeback in Dance with the stars. As a reminder, the young woman played the judge ” mystery ” during the last show. Alongside François Alu, Chris Marques, Bilal Hassani and Marie-Agnès Gillet, the dancer judged the performances of the candidates! Unfortunately, Denitsa Ikonomova could not shine on the floor of the show because of a nasty injury as she indicated on the networks.

“I would have loved to come back to DALS while dancing”, regretted Denitsa Ikonomova who was to dance with François Alu. “ But during rehearsals, I landed badly, I hurt my knee […] We will see if it is very serious. Anyway, for now, I can’t dance and I’m very sad. I think it felt a bit yesterday on prime, because I wasn’t 100% myself.”. In the meantime, Denitsa Ikonomova was able to change her mind thanks to a famous comedian. Her name ? Anthony Kavanagh!

At the moment, the artist is performing performances all over France. Being very active on the Web, Denitsa Ikonomova let her community know – this Sunday, October 23 – that she had gone to see him on stage! Accompanied by Jade Geropp, the pretty brunette obviously had a good time. Not a little proud, the star even immortalized the comedian greeting his audience.

“Finally I could see you […] and it was worth it.” captioned Denitsa Ikonomova on her Instagram Story. After several years of absence, Anthony Kavanagh hopes to make an impression with his new show called Happy. “When I’m on stage, I’m at home. It’s the only place I’m 100% in the moment […] »,he analyzed for All Culture. “I capture the energy of the public. I’m on edge, hypersensitive, almost clairvoyant, there are no more defenses. That’s why sometimes, at the end of the show, when I get a lot of love from the public, I sometimes have tears in my eyes…” A nice statement all in all!


to see also: “He is not happy because I do not calculate it”: Denitsa Ikonomova refuses cash an ex-partner of “Dancing with the stars”?

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