this found mail that everyone is talking about

Last July, Anthony, Alain-Fabien and Anouchka Delon stood up against their father’s lady in waiting, Hiromi Rollin, whom they accused in particular of “abuse of weakness”, “violence against vulnerable people”, “moral harassment”, and “attack on the secrecy of correspondence”. Faced with such allegations, the main interested party in turn broke the silence in the columns of the Parisian. On September 28, 2023, she revealed that she had a romantic relationship with the sacred monster of cinema, Alain Delon.

“It’s a love relationship that has lasted for thirty-three years,” she confided before specifying that she was not a simple “paid companion“.”We behaved like a normal couple, we had tender gestures towards each other in front of everyone, we were kissing, the children saw it […] we shared the same bed“, she added.

Also see: Anouchka makes a shattering revelation about Alain Delon’s legacy: “If I don’t have anything, I’ll sue them!”

“I will marry you”

According to new information revealed by the daily this Monday, January 29, 2024, the couple would even have been on the verge of reaching a milestone by uniting through the sacred bonds of marriage. Hiromi Rollin would have in fact begged the 88-year-old actor to put the ring on her finger in order to protect her. Unfortunately, the Cheetah never wanted to go further. “His big failure is marriage“, he would have explained to the gendarmes at the time of the investigation.

If he did not want to get involved, Alain Delon would still have been particularly close to Hiromi Rollin to whom he would have made great promises. “In February 2006, he suggested that I move to Douchy. […] He always said: ‘Later I will marry you‘”she assured at the microphone of RTL. And to continue: “He is starting to realize that there were problems between his children and me. […] When Alain started to be aware of this, he realized that he had to protect me. So we talked about it“. Revelations that are likely to cause people to talk…


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