This flagship columnist of “TPMP” breaks the silence on “the sofa promotion” which she refused!

To this day who does not know Ludivine Rétory? For several years, she has worked as a columnist in Do not touch My TV to quote only this program on C8. His dream figure and his good humor quickly won over viewers. From an early age, the young woman has been fascinated by the world of the media.

“Arthur was my role model when I was young and so I started doing radio at the age of 20, I was sure NRJ Antilles. Then I started on TV with all the local media and I’ve been working with Canal + Antilles for ten years now.” she revealed to the Miss Togo France Diaspora Instagram account. “But love finally gets the better of its ambitions. “And then, I followed love, the father of my son, I returned to Paris and there, dead calm. Nothing for me. Nobody calls me. Nobody knows me”.

Ambitious and born hardworking, the star fell from above when she arrived in France. “I said to myself ‘well, it doesn’t matter, I’m going to go to Carrefour, the time to get the money home. At one point, Pôle Emploi stops, it doesn’t last all the time. I looked for plans B”, underlined the happy mother of two children. This Thursday, June 30, 2022, Ludivine Rétory remembered this period which was not easy to live with.

“I left the West Indies, I was in the firmament… I was on all the channels. All antennas. It was going really well for me.” confessed the main interested party. “I followed love and I was assured that I would have a job when I arrived and saw that I did not want to accept small side meetings, for dinner […] I was not taken and suddenly, crossing the desert. Employment center that stops […] ».

Information that had the merit of disconcerting Bernard Montiel:Do you mean by that that you were not docile? “. To which Magali Berdah’s sidekick replied: ” Exactly. Because I was not docile, I did not want the sofa promotion, I had just become the mother of my little boy and for two years like that I remained without working […]. It was very hard”. Bad memories now behind her… Now everything is smiling at her!


to see also: After the suicide of Jean-Claude Joly (Love is in the meadow), Ludivine Rétory atomizes Karine Le Marchand “vulgar” and “zero”

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