this farmer feeds his chickens with kouign-amann


Video length: 3 min

Morbihan: this farmer feeds his chickens with kouign-amann

Morbihan: this farmer feeds his chickens with kouign-amann – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – M.Damoy, A.Fisher L.Matigot, R.Laurentin

France Televisions

In Gestel, in Morbihan, a farmer prepares a feast for his poultry: a mixture of pancakes, turmeric and kouign-amann. A recipe that would give the chicken an incomparable taste.

Geste’s chickensL are very round: “That’s a big daddy who weighs about eight kilos”shows Yannick Lomenech, breeder. Either the equivalent of three classic chickens. His secret ? It’s the kouign-amann diet that he gives to his chickens. Supermarkets and bakeries give him their unsold goods. He collects forty kilos of free cakes every week. This former researcher then mixes kouign-amann, turmeric, crepe and milk. The chickens weigh less than a kilo when they arrive at the farm, they weigh eight, four months later.

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