Not a bookshop like the others
The Vigna Bookshop3, rue Delille at Nice, does not want to be a blind like we see many others. If she sells books, they are often old, used or new, and evoke exclusively queer cultures and women’s history.
“Cheaper than Amazon”
“It’s cheaper than on Amazon“, have fun Francoise Vigna, one of the two managers of the establishment. More seriously, we see the books : “I find it very important to see them, to leaf through them, to see if we will be interested, to change our minds. It can only be done physically. And then, and then there is the meeting and the exchange “.
An exhibition on the history of LGBTQI+
Moreover, exchange there is. Until the end of Septemberthe bookstore offers an exhibition produced and loaned by Memoirs of sexualities, a Marseilles association created in the late 80s which brings together a large LGBTQI+ documentary fund.
– Vigna Bookstore
18 panels present, by decade, major events of LGBTQI+ history in the world, in France and in Marseille from the stonewall riots (June 28, 1969). Stonewall: A series of protests against a US police raid on a New York gay venue (at the Stonewall Inn). Homosexuality being a crime at the time there.
An exhibition where we find the advances and sometimes the setbacks of the rights of LGBTQI+ people
What if we (also) did the Niçoise chronology?
This exhibition tinged with Provencality and presented in Nice gave ideas. “The spotlight on Marseille is of particular interest to us, and we sincerely hope that this will give us an impetus to gather information on our local history.“, explains Françoise Vigna of the Niçoise bookstore.
Call for witnesses
Thus, the two managers of the bookstore are asking testimonialsmemories of people who have known the history of LGBTQI+ establishments in Nice and the community.
The Niçoise chronology will be presented Friday, September 23 at 6 p.m. at the bookstore.