this famous animator whom she showered with gifts, unexpected revelations about their relationship…

During his career, Michel Drucker had the opportunity to meet many celebrities. Year after year, the facilitator has even managed to forge very strong ties with several of them. Starting with Johnny Hallyday. The day of the death of the Taulier, the host was so downcast that he also cracked live by paying tribute to his friend. ” You know, in my already long career, I’ve seen a lot of friends leave. But he was special… You could have lived a little longer, Johnny… I know that we will see each other again, one day or another. “, he had declared during a special emission in homage in rocker diffused on France 2.

But if the husband of Laeticia Hallyday seems to hold a special place in the heart of Michel Drucker, he is not the only one. For her part, Celine Dion is also one of the close friends of the one who animates Can’t wait for Sunday. Recently, the husband of Dany Saval then evoked his friendship with the interpreter of the title “For you to love me again” in the columns of the magazine Gala. ” Here, in Paris, it all started. I felt intuitively that this duo [avec René Angélil, son manager puis son mari, NDLR]who devoured each other with his gaze, was not passing through “.

For Michel Drucker, Celine Dion’s husband was someone he could count on. On each trip, he never lost an opportunity to visit the host. ” René has always been very grateful to me […] One day, she came to do a special program, between two concerts, without asking for a fee, while shortly after, on a foreign TV where she was singing for Chinese New Year, her staff asked for 2 million dollars for three songs. Our relationship was really special “.

During this interview, Michel Drucker notably mentioned a touching anecdote. ” I went to see them at home, in Florida, in Las Vegas, I even spent a Christmas in a very small group in their castle in Quebec, where Céline showered me with presents under the tree. She has always been very generous. I was so embarrassed “. A beautiful friendship !


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