This emblematic candidate and winner of “Secret Story” had disappeared against the backdrop of enormous marital problems… she reappeared on “TPMP people”!

In 2011, she was the big winner of Secret Story and won the tidy sum of more than 186,000 euros. Marie Garet, whose (well-kept) secret was that she was in a relationship in the House of Mysteries with Geoffrey, has remained one of the emblematic characters of reality TV. It is on this season 5, moreover, that Ayem Nour was revealed to the public. The young woman, then blonde, then chained the emissions of the same type: Angels twice, season 7 of Secret Story Then The Villa of Broken Hearts. But the young woman who is now approaching her 35th birthday quickly got the hang of it… This nurse by profession suffered a terrible accident which led her to rebuild herself psychologically and physically. Traumas and a new life that prompted Matthieu Delormeau to invite him this Saturday, February 4, 2023 on the set of TPMP People on C8. The latter presents his guest whom he also knows very well: “I am very happy to see you again. The last time I saw you, you weren’t well, well… we had shot a documentary. You were one of the stars of “Secret Story”, after you did “Les Anges”, with your friend Geoffrey at the time… no, but really you were hyped because you had an incredible personality and to the point where… you you are even separated in “Les Anges” from your boyfriend, all of this has taken on enormous proportions.”, begins to tell the host of C8 to follow up quickly without leaving a response time: “You started to suffer at the time without talking about it too much and then one day you had a car accident, quite violent, which meant that there had to be reconstructive surgery. People saw you on the networks and insulted you ‘She had cosmetic surgery…’ And there, we were close to the suicide attempt since I remember that we had shot for a show and you you said ‘I have never been so unhappy as I was then’.”, concludes Matthieu Delormeau, under the attentive gaze of the other columnists.

“Today I am being insulted by all names”

Then the friend of Benoit Dubois launches the question that interests everyone: “So today, what are you doing and how are you feeling?”. With her hair in icy brown tones, Marie Garet seems like a different woman. Serene, peaceful, she replies: “In fact, before doing TV, I was already an operating room nurse so I had to part with this job to move towards the liberal profession because I was far too recognized in the operating room. Today still a liberal nurse but I still live the consequences of reality TV. I am still recognized in the street, except that before I was adored, today I am insulted by all names.“, she explains calmly. “Is this a joke?” notes Delormeau

But why do people insult you like that?”, asks Benoit Dubois. The young woman replies:Because I don’t look like anything, because nurse and reality TV don’t go together. I have patients who have changed nurses altogether. I always have to prove ten times more than a normal nurse.” But Marie Garet is reassured, everyone on the set finds her magnificent! The presenter wants to know more and questions him: “In the “Angels”, you had a bit of the role of the villain…”, and the former star of Secret Story replied: “Yes but I also have my character and fortunately because I think I would have shot myself! I’m still in the light but in the bad light, I never know if people are there for me, for my notoriety, or because they think I have money.” Which brings the following and logical question from the columnist of Cyril Hanouna: “ But if you ever want to make sure that today no one recognizes you on the street, the light has hurt you… I’m very happy to have you on this set but there are between 6 and 15 million people who watch us (laughs, editor’s note) and who will inevitably recognize you again!”. And the winner to deliver the message she had come to bring: “It is precisely important to talk about it for future generations, for the girls who, at present, dream of doing reality TV, you have to know that it sticks to the skin for a lifetime!”. By concluding that she would certainly not return in a new edition of Secret Story!

See also: “I’m banging Delphine… and in all directions”: Matthieu Delormeau freewheeling in “TPMP”!


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