this drama that upset a star of Desperate Housewives!

A drama that everyone ignored. While she was on the channel’s Daily Pop show E!, a star of the hit series Desperate Housewives gave a heartbreaking account of the time she tried for a second child. This star is none other than Susan Delfino, better known by her real name, Teri Hatcher. Indeed, the actress who has played for several years alongside Eva Longoria, Marcia Cross or even Felicity Huffman, spoke of a subject that has remained secret until now on the set of the show. A subject put on the table when the journalists of the program were talking about recent statements by actress Ginnifer Goodwin. This one revealing to have offered the sperm of her companion, Josh Dallas, to help a friend to have a child.

That’s when Teri Hatcher opened up about her own experience:“It didn’t work out for me, but I tried to have a second child on my own. So I used a sperm donor, confided the actress before tackling the tragic sequel:Unfortunately, I had a miscarriage afterwards.. The one who gave the reply to Eva Longoria for several years did not wish to dwell on the subject and this remains understandable. On the contrary, she wanted to deviate from a point that had amused her when she had tried to get pregnant with someone else’s sperm. “It’s quite fun. Because you choose everything, if he wears glasses, if he has acne, what height he has… It’s fascinating seen like that. I didn’t think I’d be talking about this today, but lo and behold, I just did.”

“Fortunately”, Teri Hatcher is already the mother of a daughter coming into the world in 1997 when she was still in a relationship with actor Jon Tenney. This one, named Emerson, is now 24 years old and makes her mother happy. However, the latter wanted to have a second child. This is why she had tried to have another through the process she mentioned this Thursday, January 20. A bad “experience” which does not seem to have tainted the joy of living of the actress.


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