This departure which we expected not at all!

A page will turn in Case Concluded ! The show on France 2 presented by Sophie Davant will lose one of its members, to the regret of the fans …

In an interview with Picard mail, Julien Cohen announces his departure.

“It’s the end of the day for me for Deal concluded”, he said before taking stock of the nearly four years spent in the program. “I shot 1557 shows, I saw 7 204 people presenting me objects, I bought 1,813, I took part in 330 days of filming in four and a half years, at the rate of three then four and up to six shows a day. I had an extraordinary adventure. “

What’s next for the antique dealer? He’s going to open second-hand dealers’ houses. A first was born last October on the side of the Somme and a second is underway in Burgundy for an opening next April as mentioned The voice of the North. “It’s the only thing that motivates me (…) I have other projects in progress, a third house in Châteaudun, a fourth in Nevers, a fifth in Limoges and others in Bourges and La Flèche. I will then go west, Strasbourg and Nancy, and to Brittany, and finally south. “

If he made it clear that he would not run “after the cameras and flashes”, it does not close the doors to a return to television. “It is not excluded that I return in a new program, on the theme of the second-hand or the urbex”.

Case … to be continued!

See also: Sophie Davant’s big moment of embarrassment at the gynecologist


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