this decision of the Council of State which will delight her

Earth Uprisings will be able to resume the actions that their members had brutally stopped last June, following an order from Gérald Darmanin demanding their dissolution. This Thursday, November 9, 2023, the Council of State went against the request made by the Minister of the Interior, by announcing definitively cancel the dissolution of this environmentalist collective, which has worked for several years to denounce infrastructure projects having harmful consequences on the environment and biodiversity. In recent months, this collective has been talked about by opposing the Rouen motorway bypass project via the future Lyon-Turin line, and had also participated in the actions at Sainte-Soline.

A bitter defeat for Gérald Darmanin, who can only accept the decision pronounced by the Council of State, which joins a first procedure last August which aimed to suspend the procedure carried out by the first cop in France. In a press release, the Council of State indicates that it has not retained “no provocation of violence against people” which could justify a dissolution of the Earth Uprisings. This movement, created in January 2021 following the Zadist movements in Notre-Dame-des-Landeswill therefore be able to continue, and Marion Cotillard is the first to be conquered!

The cry from the heart of Marion Cotillard

Indeed, the Oscar-winning actress made a resounding rant on social networks last June, and publicly contested the choice made by Gérald Darmanin, displaying “absolute support” to this ecological collective : “Those who warn of the eminently dangerous drift of our world and our humanity, the activists who demand action from the government commensurate with the urgency, are today qualified as criminals or eco-terrorists. During At the same time, large multinationals, large banks, continue to invest massively in fossil fuels, to build infrastructures which contribute to warming the climate and causing deaths and disasters throughout the world, to endanger the conditions of life on our planet. Are these acts not infinitely more violent, more serious, more criminal? Yet these companies are never worried. This government’s security drift, coupled with its inability to protect us from the consequences of climate change, is frightening. But this intimidation will not silence us. Today, in our country, freedom is in danger. This naturally provokes indignation the interpreter of The kidwho, today, can only rejoice and applaud the decision taken by the Council of State.

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