this decision of Marine El Himer which generates a controversy

Morocco made football history by becoming the first African team to reach the semi-finals of the World Cup. This Wednesday, December 14, 2022, the Atlas Lions therefore faced France. If they lost this match by conceding two goals, they could however count on the support of millions of fans around the world.

We can for example mention Marine El Himer who was in the stands in Doha, Qatar, red jersey on her back! Franco-Egyptian, the pretty brunette obtained Moroccan nationality a few weeks ago… and therefore could not help but support her country of hearts. Proud to have supported the Moroccan team, the young woman shared on Instagram a photo taken in the middle of the match with the caption: “You have won our hearts”.

Marine El Himer knocked out for her support in Morocco
Very quickly, the twin sister of Océane had to face odious comments on her sporting position. Many Internet users have indeed criticized him for having forgotten his country of origin: “Born in France, housed and studied in France, speaks French, French reality TV, product placements in France. A nationality for 2 months gives problems of memory”, “Completely lost, poor thing”, “But my dear, you were born and raised in France, you’ve only had Moroccan nationality for 2 months and you can’t stand France?”, “And after she will come to do her filming in France there she will call herself French…”, “She no longer congratulates France now the great Moroccan it’s been two weeks”, “She has a very French first name”, “Now you can cry you have benefited from the French system so far and there you support Morocco”


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