this culinary scourge which worries the British authorities


Video length: 1 min

United Kingdom: this culinary scourge which worries the British authorities

United Kingdom: this culinary scourge which worries the British authorities – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – A. Bouleis, C. Madini

France Televisions

In the United Kingdom, a culinary scourge is worrying the country’s authorities. This is the grease that blocks the pipes.

Between the Christmas decorations, the choice of gifts and the festive menu, it’s an unexpected subject that invites conversations at the table. Before Christmas dinner, Britons are being asked to think about their sewers. Like every year, the companies in charge of wastewater ask the English to ask themselves a question: what will they do with the turkey cooking fat or the cooking oil from frying?

A 130-tonne blockage blocked the sewers in east London

These little Christmas treats are likely to turn into an underground nightmare. As it cools, the grease solidifies and creates rock-hard blocks that clog the pipes. A 130 tonne, 250 meter long blockage had blocked the sewers in east London (United Kingdom). It took nine weeks of work for the sewer workers to overcome it.

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