this “cry of love” launched by his son Anthony Delon in “C to You”

Coming from the Delon family isn’t always easy. And it’s probably not Anthony who will say the opposite. At 57, the son of Alain Delon released his book entitled Between dog and wolf in which he reveals “behind the scenes” of this very special family. Special, but that he loves so much, as he never hesitates to shout it on the TV sets he goes to, or through the interviews he gives.

But this love, he wanted to write it and tell it through his work. A special work for him that he wanted to evoke during his time in C to you, this Tuesday, March 29. Invited by Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, Anthony Delon delivered some secrets about his writings. “It’s a book about resilience because I understood a lot of things, because today at my age, I have enough perspective to analyze certain things”he confided at first before adding: “And in this specific case, to be resilient, you have to forgive, and to forgive, you have to understand. And that’s also what I wanted to say, and that’s why at the beginning of the book I say it’s a universal story because in fact, there is no perfect family”.

A love written to his father

When Anthony explains that the “perfect family does not exist”, it is because the actor had sometimes complicated relations with his father. If today relations are in good shape, he does not forget, but has forgiven. He hopes that his book will make it possible to get back on the right track and definitively forget the tumults of the past.

“It’s a cry of love, but it’s also a gift for him. The time has come to forgive himself. But let him forgive himself too”he confided to Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine.

See also: Anthony Delon in mourning: the actor announces the death of his mother, Nathalie Delon


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