This cosmetic surgery operation which leaves a very bad memory for Valérie Damidot…

Over the years, Valérie Damidot has become essential in the media. At 57, the host is an accomplished woman! On a daily basis, the main interested party assumes without blinking her curves and her age. For Gala, the actress opened up about her past cosmetic surgery operations. Obviously, botox does not tempt her more than that. “The idea of ​​​​having a frozen forehead, it sticks to me the blues”she explained to our colleagues.

Thanks to her notoriety, the happy mother of two children multiplies the contracts with the biggest brands. She was also the ambassador of the WW program (note: Weight Watchers). If Valérie Damidot pays attention to her lifestyle, she refuses to opt for cosmetic surgery to “feel good”.“I have wrinkles, the skin is a little wrinkled at the time, but I don’t want them at all”, confessed the queen of decoration.

“I had a belly that sank a little”

But in the past, she did not have the same speech. To erase her complexes, the actress succumbed to the scalpel. “A few years after the birth of my son”, confided Valérie Damidot. “I had a belly that sank a little, it was not pretty. I did a kind of liposuction to tighten the skin”. Repeat the experience? Very little for her. To this day, this type of operation scares him very much. “It freaks me out”, added Valérie Damidot who saw “girlfriends suffer” after interventions. Especially for mammoplasty.

For her part, the artist seems completely fulfilled by her breasts. “I’m lucky they don’t fall too much”, she added not without humor. To stay on top, the main concerned only bets on the “real aesthetic medicines for the skin, soft things, massages, oils, creams. Afterwards, if it’s a real complex, go for it girls, if you feel better, so much the better!”, assured Valérie Damidot with philosophy.


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