This comment from Meghan Markle that fans of the royal family will never forgive her!

Next October 6 will be released Brokers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown by Valentine Low. A book that is likely to cause harm to Meghan Markle. The behavior of Prince Harry’s wife is singled out, when she was still a member of the royal family and had to comply with obligations such as during her royal tour in 2018

“Although she appreciated the attention, Meghan did not understand the purpose of all these walks, shaking hands with countless strangers”would have written the author as related by our colleagues from New York Post. “According to several staff members, she was overheard saying on at least one occasion, ‘I can’t believe I don’t get paid for this.'” Also according to the book, Archie and Lilibet’s mother also bullied staff even before she was a royal, and continued to treat them harshly until she left office in 2020.

She lashed out at one of her husband’s advisers, six months before their 2017 engagement, saying: “I think we both know that I’m going to be one of your bosses soon.” And when a senior assistant told the couple that the staff were complaining about how they were treated, Meghan replied that it was not her “work to pamper people”. What revelations, which go even a little more, to bring down the popularity rating of the former actress.

See also: Meghan Markle: this French TV host is loose on the air and is convinced that she is spying on the royal family for a huge Netflix documentary!

Etienne-Hadrien Feyrandrier

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