this close to Johnny Hallyday makes surprising confidences on Laeticia Hallyday

This Sunday, December 5 will mark the fourth anniversary of the death of Johnny Hallyday. This year and to pay tribute to the Taulier, Canal + will broadcast on December 10, a film, called My name is Johnny, which takes us behind the scenes of the rocker’s American tours. Shows that journalist Philippe Maneuver has followed for several years.

In an interview with Paris Match, the famous journalist agreed to reveal some anecdotes behind the scenes of these grandiose shows. Philippe Maneuver initially returned to the role of Laeticia Hallyday in these spectacular tours. “She took on all the roles. A little oil on the plane, where she generously lowered the Bloody Marys. (alcoholic cocktails, editor’s note), then advisor, secretary, press officer “ launches the former juror of La Nouvelle Star.

As many other personalities say, Laeticia Hallyday controlled the life of Johnny Hallyday with an iron fist: “She was also the one who posted the Tweets dictated by Johnny and who filtered her phone. But before each concert, she almost became a mom to him. Johnny seemed to take refuge with her. He curled up as the music approached. performance. She hugged him, comforted him “ declares Phillipe Maneuver. “He checked his outfit and went there. Under the light and the cheers, he became Johnny Hallyday again” he adds.

A double hat that Johnny Hallyday fully assumed: “Like a good Gemini, Johnny kept having it both ways. On the plane home, he said to me: ‘I’m not Johnny Hallyday. Except on stage of course. Now that the tour is over, you See, I’m back to Jean-Philippe Smet. When I go on tour, I put on the perfecto and I become Johnny Hallyday again. That’s the secret “.

Eleanor de la Fontaine

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