this candidate refuses to pay for the epidural of his half and proudly tells how he negotiated!

Since its beginnings in the animation of Twelve strokes of noon, Jean-Luc Reichmann sees a plethora of candidates. Sometimes some of them have surprising stories to tell. Such was the case of Celine’s opponent. This Wednesday, July 12, 2023, the rival of the Master of noon spoke at length about the delivery of his wife. Near his pennies, the latter “didn’t want to pay for the epidural… It was too expensive”, Nathalie Lecoultre’s companion was surprised on his Twitter account while sharing the mind-blowing sequence.


“little anecdote”began the father of two children. “During the delivery of my companion, she had taken the epidural, but I have a small fault is that I pay attention to the expenses … knowing that the epidural costs about 300 balls”. Information confirmed by Céline who assures that “It’s not cheap, but frankly it’s worth it”. Surprised by the words of her competitor, the one who evolves on the set of Twelve strokes of noon since March 14, then added: “I don’t even want to hear the end of the anecdote. He never had any visible pain, he doesn’t know what it is”.

See also:

“We must assume”

Despite the criticism, the IT consultant did not let himself be disheartened. Imperturbable, he continued his story: “She took a first dose to calm the pain, but the pain came back. Suddenly she was writhing in pain and I thought a second dose cost 600 bucks. I asked her to hold on longer. At one point, she was writhing so badly that she asked the midwife. She could see that I was worried and the midwife looked at me out of the corner of her eye and said, ‘Don’t worry sir, it’s counted as one dose.'”

An anecdote that did not fail to shock Jean-Luc Reichmann who even asked the public not to applaud before launching: “When you have children, you have to take care of the after-sales service. Poor thing, you can’t make her suffer”.


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