this cancer that took everything …

She tells us good and bad weather some evenings on TF1. All with a big smile. But this does not mean that Tatiana Silva did not have very complicated moments during her young life. Like the tragic loss of her mother, for example… A difficult period that she chose to evoke during the Women of TV podcast broadcast on the Apple platform in early December.

It was this damn cancer that took away the mother of the weather presenter when she was only 16 years old, as our colleagues at Gala noted. While it is still very difficult to bounce back from the loss of a parent, the host admits that the shock was difficult to take as she was still a teenager. She “tried to do the best because we had to continue to move forward” … Stating furthermore that she would have “liked the earth to stop turning, that we be given time for ourselves” after such an event …

Recalling that we did not have “convalescence when we have a big emotional shock.” We have a convalescence when we have had an operation, when we are sick, when we give birth (luckily by the way). Life continued to turn and I think that, paradoxically, even if I would have liked to have time, it also allowed me not to dwell on this pain ”. In the end, the fact that this death occurs at this point in her life, when she had to go 100 miles an hour, allowed her to “think of something else” rather than in the dark.

But that didn’t stop Tatiana Silva from having some tough times on certain days. The latter acknowledging having “cried in the street”. At times, she would have even found refuge in churches to “be able to evacuate the sadness”. Regarding her social life, the one who tells us the weather forecast for the next day admits that she saw her friends much less after the loss of her mother: “Sometimes, I canceled meetings with friends to stay locked up at night”.


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