this borderline comment swung by Matthieu Delormeau on Ayem Nour’s look

Matthieu Delormeau took the helm of a new issue of TPMP People on C8 ! Around him, Benoît Dubois, Laurent Fontaine, Sophie Coste, or even Isabelle Morini-Bosc. Ayem Nour was also there with a look that surprised the host.

“What is this little Ayem look?”he addressed to his columnist. “I wanted to have the smart one today”replied the mother of Ayvin. “If it was for a pair of glasses”he replied with a mocking air before adding: “For once it’s prettier but we’re closer to the porn actress”.

A sentence that the public did not really appreciate since it was booed. “Everything she puts on sexualizes everything about Ayem. She smells like sex, but it’s not a criticism. As soon as she puts something on, she’s hyper sexual, this woman so whatever she puts on, it pays off”intervened the actor of mysteries of love on TMC. “Where he is right is that there are very beautiful people who don’t give off any sexual stuff and others are the opposite”added Matthieu Delormeau, trying to catch up.

Ayem Nour smashes Jacques Legros!

A week ago, the ex-candidate of Secret Story had given a very clear opinion on the words of Jacques Legros on his relations with Jean-Pierre Pernaut. Moreover, the joker of 1 p.m. news devoted part of his book, Behind the screen 40 years at the heart of the media on JPP. “I think it’s shameful. It’s a shit attitude to talk about someone who is no longer in this world, rest his soul. No matter the conflicts we may have had , the person is no longer there, all he had to do was say it to his face…”

See also: Meghan Markle: this French TV host is loose on the air and is convinced that she is spying on the royal family for a huge Netflix documentary!

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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